Language difficulties in the classroom

The purpose of language is to provide us with ways to communicate with others. If a child has language difficulties, chances are they are not getting the most out of school. However, fortunately, many speech and language impairments can be treated.

How can a speech-language disorder affect the way my child learns?

A speech-language impairment can affect your child in many ways. It can make it hard to express one’s thoughts and ideas (expressive language disorders). On the other hand, some children find it difficult to understand what is being said to them (receptive language disorders). Other problems include stuttering, difficulty pronouncing certain sounds, and cognitive-communication disorders. As a result, your child’s disorder may cause a learning disability. These issues may manifest as:

  • Your child may have dyslexia. Studies show that children with speech-language disorders have a higher risk of being dyslexic. Hence, your child might find reading, and writing extremely difficult.
  • Unable to understand what the teachers say (receptive disorders).
  • Unable to express their own thoughts (expressive disorders).
  • Struggle with problem solving and time management.
  • Inability to focus
  • Behavioral problems at school. If your child cannot express thoughts, or understand what is being said, this will lead them to being perceived as lazy and defiant.

How can my child’s speech-language impairment affect my child’s mental health?

Children tend to compare themselves with others all the time. Children with a speech-language impairment can become self-conscious and develop a low self-esteem. They may get bullied by other children about how they stutter and talk. Also, their inability to express their thoughts may make them extremely frustrated at times.

Not only that, but social communication deficits can jeopardize a child’s ability to form fulfilling friendships. A study that was done in this area found that language delays were associated with behavioral, emotional, and social issues when they grow up (reference).

Speech-language pathologists and how they can help

A speech-language pathologist can teach your child a set of skills to help him/her communicate with others. It is of importance that you apply those skills at home, so that your child can apply them.

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