Age and Level appropriate: Walnut’s digital material library offers therapy resources for all age groups. Our materials are meant to target kids at any stage of development, be it early or late and adults with cognitive-communicative needs.
Stressed about vacation and loss of learnt skills? Don’t! not anymore!: Walnut Early Supports brings to you all you need for keeping up with your child’s therapy goals at a touch of a button! Practice anytime, anywhere! Practice during a long journey, at a restaurant or during a family event without fear of losing newly acquired skills!
Different colors Different themes: Walnut’s interactive games are created using child friendly images, graphics, music and colors. You get to choose what suits best for your child’s interest and provide them with materials based on their preference.
Practice makes a man perfect!: Walnut Early Supports creates fun and engaging games so that your children are eager to work on their goals and ask for repeated practice. Use our resources for consistent practice, multiple times each day and surprise your therapist/educator with rapid progress!
Positive Reinforcement: Walnut’s digital games provide consistent reinforcement and keep your young ones motivated to learn faster and quicker.
An ever-growing repository: Our Product development team works hard round the year to bring to you a resources for prolonged and continued practice. Currently Walnut’s digital material library houses more than 1000 digital and interactive materials for use.
Language barrier free: At Walnut Early Supports we have created picture based, language barrier free materials so that no one feels left out. No matter what language or dialect you speak or your child is exposed to, our resources are picture based and will continue to enrich and stimulate.
Customizable: Having trouble in choosing what suits your needs best? We will help you with a customized package to address your child’s specific needs. Write to us here: