In-dept evidence-based activities to work on receptive and expressive language delays.
1000+ interactive activities and games.
Access to our “soon-to-be-added” ever-growing repository of regional Indian languages.
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No minimum commitment.
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₹2.700.00Original price was: ₹2.700.00.₹1.800.00Current price is: ₹1.800.00.
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Speech Sounds
In-dept evidence-based activities to remediate speech sound disorders and phonological processes like stopping, fronting, final consonant deletion etc.
500+ interactive activities and games for articulation disorders and phonological disorders.
Access to our “soon-to-be-added” ever-growing repository of regional Indian languages.
Access to our blogs and learning space.
No minimum commitment.
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Get full access to Speech Sounds games
₹1.800.00Original price was: ₹1.800.00.₹1.200.00Current price is: ₹1.200.00.
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In-depth evidence based activities to address social, emotional, and behavioural challenges.
100+ interactive activities, games and hands-on activities for better stringer reading skills.
Access to our ever-growing repository of materials.
Access to our blogs and learning space.
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₹1.800.00Original price was: ₹1.800.00.₹1.200.00Current price is: ₹1.200.00.
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Reading & Spelling Intervention
In-dept evidence-based activities to address struggles with phonological awareness, spelling and basic reading skills.
200+ interactive activities, games and hands-on activities for stronger reading skills.
Access to our ever-growing repository of materials.
Access to our blogs and learning space.
No minimum commitment.
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Get full access to Reading & Spelling Intervention games
₹2.100.00Original price was: ₹2.100.00.₹1.400.00Current price is: ₹1.400.00.
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Activities to improve attention, memory, recall, working memory, information processing, reaction time, reasoning and computation.
300+ interactive activities, games and hands-on activities for enhanced cognitive processing.
Access to our ever-growing repository of materials.
Access to our blogs and learning space.
No minimum commitment.
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Get full access to Cognition games
₹1.800.00Original price was: ₹1.800.00.₹1.200.00Current price is: ₹1.200.00.
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Premium: Entire Site Access
In-dept evidence-based activities across all domains: Language, Speech sounds, Cognition, Reading and spelling intervention and Social/Emotional/Behavioral domains.
Unrestricted access to our ever-growing Digital material library.
2000+ interactive activities and games.
Access to our “soon-to-be-added" ever-growing repository of regional Indian languages.
Access to our blogs and learning space.
No minimum commitment.
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₹9.000.00Original price was: ₹9.000.00.₹6.000.00Current price is: ₹6.000.00.